Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A narrow escape

Mum and dad had a lucky escape yesterday. Returning from Clacton they encountered a diesel spill and slid into the kerb, doing some damage to the car's front wheels and steering column. Thankfully they were unhurt, but obviously shaken, and things weren't helped when further crashes took place even after the police showed up. One particular nasty incident saw a white van come screaming around the corner before skidding and hitting another car that had slid into a hedge before ending up in someone's front garden.

The moral of the story is this: mum and dad were in a 30mph zone, which probably saved them from injury or even worse. The van was breaking the speed limit, and had mum not suggested the police woman and driver of the other car move to the other side of the vehicle, the accident could have had a tragic end.

This is why we have speed limits, and the sooner people start respecting them instead of moaning about speed cameras (if you want to get rid of them, start driving more responsibly and they'll become obsolete) the better for all. As a postscript to all of this, as we were driving mum and dad home to Sudbury, some eejit overtook me inside a 30mph limit because he clearly doesn't take this view. No doubt some other poor driver or pedestrian will one day pay the price for his lack of patience...

1 comment:

Ben Veal-Carroll said...

lucky man, had the same thing happen to me but... I was doing my driving test at the time, the instructor was... not impressed

especially seeing as I ripped the front left tire off the car.