Friday, July 09, 2010

Time, or lack of it

I don’t blog half as much as I used to, which is still probably twice as much as I should. I can’t honestly remember if I ever bemoaned the lack of time I felt I had since Harri arrived on the scene. Trying to cram in a website and various money making ideas with no actual up-front cash involved left me feeling like life was lived in the margins, particularly when tending the allotment felt like a chore (it still does) rather than a break from it all.

Well, seven weeks into Amelia Alice’s life and I’d like to punch my slightly younger self in the face. I had all the flipping time in the world before Amelia arrived on the scene, and as for all that time I had before Harri was born, what the hell did I do to fill it?

The money making schemes are practically dead in the dust, but the allotment goes on (and on, and on – every 48 hours. It may only be a six-minute walk, but I still resent it most nights). Everything is crammed into everything else, and yet after a fraught few weeks – normal with a newborn, and it only took me six weeks to realise this, although to be fair I’ve blanked the first six weeks of Harri’s life – I feel incredibly lucky, blessed and fortunate to be in this position, with no time to call my own, a bad back, occasional spats with the missus and an allotment that would turn to dust if I wasn’t down there watering the plants every two days. Quite an achievement, considering how crap 2010 has been (Amelia Alice’s arrival notwithstanding)…

1 comment:

Rhian Drinkwater said...

I also look back in wonder at what in the world I used to do to fill my time before Harry came along…