Thursday, October 30, 2008

So, farewell to David Tennant...

... as the Tenth Doctor. It's been a wonderful three years, and hopefully the next four specials will be set years - maybe even decades - apart to (a) give his Doctor the chance to age, and (b) to allow for him to have that relationship with River Song that was hinted at in season four.

I'll miss him - he's been brilliant, but he's making the right decision. The scary thing now is how season five will unfold, with a completely new team and new actor in the title role.

Still, it beats talking about Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross, eh? Stupid, childish prank that went wrong - and how many thousand busy bodies have Ofcom on their speed dial? I wouldn't mind, but the vast majority of them didn't even listen to the original broadcast - I suspect a large number didn't even know what it was all about. Nice to see the Daily Mail leading the way too - all this media hype has done is detract attention from both the nature of the misdemeanour and far more important things on the world stage. Still, nice to see Gordon Brown wading in on the day his government had nothing to say on affairs in the Democratic Republic of Congo...

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