Sunday, July 12, 2009

Been ages since I blogged…

… Actually, that’s a lie, as I have been updating both my work blog and that of Support PCs, despite the recession (actually, that’s probably the reason why there’s so much activity on Support PCs – suddenly I’m not running one from deadline to the next).

Quite a bit has happened since my last blog post: Harriet is very much taking more and more steps on her own now. Yesterday we visited mum at the Clare Priory Craft Fair, where I supped a delicious half of Nethergate-brewed Augustinian ale (the local ales are always the best!) and Harri went on a very long walk with mummy and daddy’s help. When she’s not worried about balance she can go at quite a lick! She seems to have recovered brilliantly from her operation, and we’d like to think that real nappies have played their part in helping her hips strengthen.

On that subject, a friend pointed me to an article on the BBC web site that suggests our experience is far from unique: click here to view it. It drums home how lucky we were that our health visitor Vera picked up on Harri’s condition at nine months, giving us enough time to get it corrected while the procedure was still relatively “simple”.

What else? The recession still drives my thoughts – there are enough savings to last us five months with no income, or longer if I can still pick up a fair bit of work. I’ve allowed myself to drift through the last few weeks instead of being proactive – not helped by chasing up one new lead only to discover their budgets and pagination have been cut and the regulars are – understandably – being put first.

Oh well, back to trying to scan in old articles using my new ScanSnap S300 document scanner – one last luxury (or not when I regain a load of shelf space). I’ve run into one problem with it: if the magazine paper quality is poor, then it has a nasty habit of chewing up pages…

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