Monday, May 09, 2005

So that's why Blair buried environmental concerns at the last election

Words cannot describe what I feel about this cretin right now - basically, in order for us to combat climate change and preserve a high standard of living he's going to go nuclear (see here). On the day when it was revealed that one in five of all British wild flowers are now threatened with extinction thanks to intensive farming methods, the madness shows no signs of ending.

One word Mr Blair: CONSERVATION. It doesn't matter if you think you'll be safely out of the political picture when the ramifications of our unbridled consumption come back to haunt us, you'll still share responsibilty for letting it happen in the first place and by not putting people's selfishness in check.

While people in Africa and other poor areas of the world continue to scratch a living or starve, it seems the West isn't ready to compromise one iota on its own selfishness. We already know the world can't sustain our decadent lifestyle, so why in hell do we think we'll be able to lift the poor out of the gutter while we continue to steal their share of the dwindling resources in the first place? Can't people see the bloody connection for Christ's sake?

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